Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My new Career Path

So for those of you who have been following my blog, or who are just curious what all of this excitement is about I wanted to go ahead and share with you all what is going to happen starting this weekend in the Osburn house.

I am going to begin Training to become a Dog Trainer! This way I can still be home with the kids, work with animals, and make money for our family all at the same time!

Which brings me to this...

We are happy and excited to introduce Fox Hastings from Desert Willow Aussies who is going to help me to make this all possible!!!

Fox will be a great addition to our family and will also help me to work more with a New but GREAT friend of mine Theresa who is going to work with me to gain some clients for training as well as help me to learn more about better diets for dogs as well as some great supplements to add to your dogs diets to help their quality of life be greatly improved upon!

You're asking why Another dog? This is because of how important it is to me to support Theresa as well as the way she will be supporting me by sharing me with her new puppy owners! With the news spread through her about my local dog training I will be able to quickly jump start this new career change!!

So when I am ready to start professionally training one on one with people I will let you know! I would love to help YOU too with your family!

In This So Called Life I have finally found my secret to happiness and I couldn't have done it without you Theresa!! Or the Love of my life Chris, who forever supports me in my quests!