Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'd Rather be Laid Off than Pissed Off...

It has been an interesting roller coaster of a week, going from blah do I have to go to work again? To laid off and in shock, my boss confirmed how I felt that the entire front part of our building felt about my position in the company... I was really "just admin" to them after all. In the mean time I find myself missing my "work husband" and my Dad... Who knew that working with a parent could be so rewarding. I feel like while I am ecstatic to be home with my kids and getting them into a better routine in life and healthier living that I am missing my friends. The people to whom I vent, and to whom I would simply just chat their ears off... It brings tears to my eyes... Yet when I take the time to keep busy here at home where I have a lot of things to do... I suddenly realize it is just the friendship I miss, not the work or everything else that came with it. In This So Called Life I find that I am having to re-create who I am in this change of jobs. Document control specialist to Full Time House Wife, watch out here I come!

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Sense of "Purpose"

Suddenly with my new Etsy shop and something driving me to do something I enjoy and share it with others (even if they are paying) I find myself feeling this new sense of "purpose". I feel like I don't just get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed, press repeat anymore...

There is something to be said for truly enjoying life, I may highly dislike my job right now, but this helps me to get through my day. When I say this I mean: Blogging, Updating pages, Crocheting, Sharing all of this with friends and family. Feeling like I am contributing to my own happiness for once. I never knew it could all be this simple.

All this time in This So Called Life I have assumed that all that I was doing for myself was enough, or all that could be done. It turns out that I haven't lost all control... yet. (laughing out loud) Hey I can't turn into a complete optimist all at once.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can you capture the moment?

So as I push forward and look to the future I have opened my Etsy account! Now the question is for the items I currently have to sell do I ask my talented friend to help me take photos of them to place on their listing. Or do I ask her or someone else to help me learn how to take them myself?

I realize that in some cases the product sells itself, however I know for me personally when I am looking for items to purchase online the picture can say a thousand words! My friend has inspired me to pursue this because of her talent and ability to just pick up a new talent and make it a business.

Would rather purchase items from the person on the right or on the left?

Hopefully I will be as successful at my endeavors as she is. If you are a New Mexico local, I suggest you look Jennifer Lynne photography up. Here is her website! you can also find her blog at

In This So Called Life it is so important to be happy, enjoy what you do, and support others in the things that make them happy! Good luck with whatever it is that you are pursuing, I'm sure you will do great at it whatever it is!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Home away from Home

Glenwood Springs, CO
My Home away from Home

Does anyone else have that place that they spent the other 1/2 of their life growing up in?

To fill you in on a little of who I am I thought I would share a little of my life story. Maybe in sharing I won't be so home sick anymore.

I was born and raised the first 13 years of my life either in Idaho Falls, ID or in Glenwood Springs, CO. The one constant in my life however has always been Glenwood. I know many of you (espcially in NM) may find this odd, but that is where I always saw my family, my cousins, the other parents otherwise known as my grandparents, aunts and uncles. This is where I learned to swim, I figured out that my life would never be the same because of this little town and my amazing family.

In Idaho Falls I spent 2/3 my 13 years of life in girl scouts, at church, in musicals, riding my bicycle around the block over, and over again, and learning new handy things in 4-H. Leaving Idaho wasn't supposed to be hard, all kids move right? Wrong, apparently leaving everything you know behind is a bigger deal than I realized it was. I hadn't been gone from Idaho for a year when my best friend and I had saved up enough cash to fly me to Utah to drive back "home" to be with my friends.

On the other hand Glenwood was still in my life, and I was still there the other 1/3 of my life. There I learned to swim, what wildlife looked like close up, how to paint with my grandma, and that my grandpa may have actually known every single person in that little town.

I am learning now that going back to Idaho will never be the same, I won't be able to just pick back up where I left off. There are strangers living in my child hood house, and most of the people I knew no longer live there. However, Glenwood is still the same, I still can go visit, but I am missing a part of my heart there too. In March of 2007 I lost my Grandfather, words cannot explain how my heart aches.

While my grandpa was in the hospital having surgery that would ultimately change my entire family's life, I was coming out of my fourth brain surgery. Unable to go see my grandfather broke my heart, my mom went to him as soon as she knew that I was okay. While she was on the road to go to him, I was left on the couch in her living room sobbing.

Not having my grandpa at my wedding, or having him be able to meet my kids, or having them be able to meet such an incredible man has been very hard for me and others of my family alike. He will forever be missed, I look forward to meeting up with him in heaven some day to talk to him about everything that he has missed actually experiencing.

I'm sure you are wondering what at this exact moment is making me miss all of this so much? My middle sister who lives in Glenwood is 6 months pregnant with her first baby! I am so excited for her, but sad to be so far away in a time when we could be closer together to share in this exciting time. I feel like I am missing out on something, I just wish that I had more time to spend with my kids, and my family both in state and out of state. The life I have isn't bad, but it is definitely not the life that I thought I would be living. Working full time and raising kids isn't easy.

Well as I'm sure you are thinking already in This So Called Life things aren't easy... Maybe I should just get over it? Maybe someday I will... But not today.