Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Been a While... Too Long if you ask Me

So Here I sit at 11:20 MST at night... Thinking about things to come.

When was the last time you took a step back from your life and really took a look at the big picture and thought wow... so this is it.

What were your thoughts? Were you happy? Sad? Mad? Ready to kill yourself over it?

I can honestly tell you that for the first time in my life, no matter how bad things are financially I am 100% happy. I don't know if I can speak for my husband on this matter, but the fact of the matter is I was laid off from my job almost 4 weeks ago and I have lost 16.5 pounds to show for it (or the lack there of) and happy kids, a clean house and less fighting in my house hold period.

 I don't know what more a happily married woman could ask for? I don't need fancy things, I am as easy as it comes. My husband can vouch for me, I don't like getting flowers, and I don't wear jewelry, or use fancy purses or wear expensive clothes. This is it, I can't tell you how happy I am. Really.

For the first time in almost 16 years I can say that tomorrow is going to be a good day, and I don't even know what is to come. But it will be good, if not great!

Thank you RIEtech Global for clearly not understanding what you had in this employee.

With that said, I can't tell you how badly I miss my boys. I don't know how to go back to visit them without making an ass out of myself for still being upset over being let go. My manager just 2 days ago asked my "boss" for the details of what all I did in my position. He let somebody go in whom he didn't even know what  his employee did completely. I guess shame on them, they lost out, and they weren't even paying me what I deserved to be paid.

Life goes on! I can't tell you how amazing it is to have a little girl who loves me being home, and a little boy who is ecstatic that his mommy is taking him and picking him up from preschool. To top it all off a husband in whom the worst arguments I have with are who is going to change the babies diaper. Who knew life could be so sweet.

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