Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Did you find my motivation?... I seem to have misplaced it.

It is interesting how at times one can just keep on trucking on like a hamster running in a wheel... Then there are those other times...

After doing some research through support groups with Etsy I now understand that initial sales don't always come easy and for some people it can take up to  6 months just to make sales start coming in... How does one keep that motivation up and keep that wheel from squeaking in the mean time?

I've been told several times to just keep making stuff... But I don't know where to begin... It seems that I am the only one with ideas and in my opinion clearly I am not having the best ideas of or I would be selling something... Right? Maybe I am just being impatient or to hard on myself... But since I have nothing else to do in my spare time except to crochet in my busy schedule right now I find it hard to keep up this pace.

In This So Called Life what do YOU do to keep motivated or to get advice??

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