Monday, January 16, 2012


How many friends do you have? I remember a day and time as a child that you had one best friend, and then others whom could compare or not. I also remember a day and time when I had multiple best friends. What is a "best friend", Websters dictionary states that a best friend is: an intimate or close friend (see boon companion). I ask you at what point is that friend no longer a best friend but yet a friend of the past or a friend in whom you know you can call on in a time of need?

Admittedly I'm not sure I am a best friend to anyone who is not blood or relative. After a rather long weekend of baby showers, and cleaning house I have come to the realization that perhaps I have my priorities in terms of friendship out of "whack". I often tell those closest to me that I have no friends, just them, so when I need to gripe about them who am I supposed to gripe to?

After a day at a GREAT baby shower I realize that it is me who has elected to say I have no "best friend" not the people not wanting to be my friend. After all of these years you would think I would know how to carry a relationship outside of marriage? Apparently the poll is in and the answer came out in big bold letters, NO.

So I ask you my "readers" whomever you may be to take a step back and look at your life. If you are unhappy with what it has become, consider this, perhaps by chance it isn't a kitchen knife, but a double edged sword. Without the yin to your yang, whatever in may be, you will forever feel unhappy or as though you have an empty void inside.

So for all of you out there who I would like to call friend please understand that I am working on fixing my relationship issues. In This So Called Life I realize I am not perfect, and am in desperate need of some companionship that will help me find happiness in life again, hopefully in turn I will help bring some happiness to your life as well!

1 comment:

  1. None of us are perfect :) And your true friends understand how hard you are working and will always be there for you.
