Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What if you knew a co-workers salary...

What if you had accidentally seen a co-workers salary? I am not saying oops I searched for it and found it, or they told me... This was a kind gesture from a co-worker showing me how to use a budgeting spreadsheet, when a tab was clicked that had the hourly rate this employee made right in front of my eyes... I try to remind myself through my frustration of not receiving a worth while raise that I may or may not be comparing this to that number I saw that day over a year ago...

Here is the bigger issue, I now have 4 1/2 years of experience doing what I do, plus an associates degree to back it up. Mean the person mentioned above has no college education added to experience and has been given the title of "President" in a different company... I wish there was a way to hold some sort of leverage in this situation with my boss... What this employee was making compared to what I am making now is about a $5/hr difference... With NO college education... How does that work?

This is why you aren't supposed to know your co-workers salaries though... I know this and understand it well, however in this accidental case of knowledge how do I learn to grow and move on from this? Maybe I will never be able to move on from this... Maybe the answer to this all is to just move on?

I wish there was a way to stay at this job since I enjoy it, and get the raise and acknowledgement I deserve. Instead because I need to be paid appropriately in order to "live" I have been placed in a position of job hunting. I may end up in a job that I hate but pays me well and be stuck there for years... But I guess at least I will be paid well... Right? This is my so called life after all...

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