Friday, January 27, 2012

What was your resolution?

So as some financial stress has been lifted from my shoulders I have now found myself thinking about things like my waist line... or the lack there of. So while we are already more or less a month into the new year, I find myself making a resolution to find my "hidden" beauty. To find a shape that is less round and that is more like that of an hour glass.

Have you made a resolution? If so, who was it for? Did you do it for you, or did you do it for someone else?

If you made this commitment to someone else, consider this... Is this resolution to your benefit? Is it something that you want for you, or perhaps were you pressured into it? If so, it is almost a guarantee that you have set yourself up for failure. On the other hand, if you made the commitment to yourself, have you found someone to help you along your journey? Someone who can help you to "stay in check". I have found that without immediate results, and the lack of support, I set my self up for failure every single time.

So in This So Called Life I challenge you to grab that resolution by the horns and hold on tight!

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